You will have the safety of highly qualified accountants personally taking care of your return. They will thoroughly cover each area to make sure you maximise your return. You will be able to select your accountant and build a relationship of trust with them over the years. Your important tax history can be filed in one place.
You can contact your accountant throughout the year with any straight forward questions at no cost. The administration team can supply copies of your tax returns upon request, and help out with a forgotten tax file number at no cost to you.
Most tax return appointments are concluded in one appointment allowing you to get your tax refund promptly. You can choose to pay your tax deductible fee on the day, or have the convenience of having the fee taken from your tax refund.
You will have a trusted accountant to advise you if you decide to get an ABN, or go into business, or start your own superfund, or need advice on rental properties.